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We believe that poverty is not permanent, and that people are not defined by their current circumstances.

Our Mission

To serve those in poverty by providing crisis care, case management, transformative education, food and household subsidy, employment training and placement, personal empowerment training and active referrals to other collaborative social service providers.

Our Purpose

To inspire and empower people living in poverty to lift themselves and their families to economic sufficiency.

Our Vision

Communities where every family has access to basic needs, nutritional food, crisis care, education and employment training, and where everyone has the opportunity to achieve a future filled with hope and possibilities.

Our Values

  • Dignity
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Compassion
  • Empowerment
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Partnership / Collaboration
  • Holistic Approach

Our Model

Noticing The Unnoticed

Food banks and pantries, along with local soup kitchens, are a valuable service to the chronically poor and those in emergency situations. However, they don’t provide a comprehensive approach to fight and reduce long-term, poverty-related hunger. UAP seeks to offer just such an approach.

United Against Poverty is the only national organization to provide families with both emergency food supplies and the opportunity to obtain highly subsidized groceries, including hygiene products, six days a week. Additionally, our Success Training for Employment Program (STEP) model is a holistic, multi-pronged approach that breaks the cycle of poverty through:

  • Offering immediate hunger relief.
  • Stabilizing crisis situations.
  • Saving families resources by using only a handling fee to those who income qualifies for food & hygiene items.
  • Restoring dignity, self-respect, and a sense of personal responsibility.
  • Helping people to lift themselves and their families UP! OUT! of the cycle of poverty to economic self-sufficiency.

Our organization is not affiliated with any religion or faith-based organization. However, those who work here do feel called to this type of mission-based vocation and our founders have embraced a long-term commitment to help families break the cycle of poverty. We provide ongoing support and establish ongoing relationships with clients. It is the guiding principle of our leadership that people living in poverty do not need empty handouts, but a program that offers a comprehensive hand-up towards a new future by engaging them in programs which lead to their personalized path to economic self-sufficiency.

The backbone of the Member Share Grocery program is to restore respect and dignity to the individual and to provide a solution to our clients’ ongoing poverty situation; allowing them to make a contribution of a handling fee and in exchange, they are given the power as well as have the opportunity to make nutritional choices for what they and their family members need. The majority of our clients want to be part of the solution and many volunteer their time. In addition, we often hire employees for our programs operations from this volunteer pool, providing an employment opportunity and on-the-job training that often springboards into long-term employment within the community.

Our History

In 2003 Austin and Ginny Hunt founded the Kingdom Harvest Food Outreach Center in South Vero Beach, FL. Ginny and Austin grew up on the Treasure Coast and both experienced the realities of growing up in homes that struggled financially or what we call today: “the working poor”. It was this journey of faith through life’s challenges that gave them the passion to help those in need with basic necessities by lending an outstretched hand during times of crisis, as well as compassionate navigation towards a bright future of hope and stability. Austin, Ginny and the Harvest Food & Outreach team implemented an innovative food assistance program to financially assist the working poor on the Treasure Coast. This work continued to grow by adding life enrichment coaching, job training and job placement programs.
  • 2006 Harvest Food & Outreach opened an additional 18,000 square foot facility in St. Lucie County and a North Vero Center which both serve an additional 300-500 families at each location per day!
  • 2009, Harvest Food and Outreach took over a similar Orlando Operation and a few years later, realized this will become a needed National work.
  • January of 2016, we have officially rebranded organization wide as United Against Poverty which speaks much more accurately to our platform.
Today, with continued help from our donors, we are positioned and ready to continue opening more UP Centers in communities all across this Country to continue lifting tens and thousands more families UP! OUT! of the cycle of poverty.
Empowered History

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