Phone Donation

 (844) 277-1249

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Crisis Care

Crisis Care Our short-term food program is for families facing crisis situations and assisting them in stabilizing their lives: helping them to assess their emotional, financial and educational needs.  Individuals meet with Crisis Center staff who evaluate and address their immediate needs, provide them access to our Emergency Food Pantries, assistance programs, referral and casework services.

Member Share Grocery Program

Hunger Programs Our long-term food program, called Member Share Grocery Program (MSGP), is a food subsidy model that is sustainable and fills the gaps for families between food pantry assistance and being able to afford going to a traditional grocery store.  People who fall at 200% of the federal poverty level or below receive a free membership card.  With this card, families can utilize this program on an unlimited basis which provides continual access to nutritious food, hygiene related and essential household products.  Members contribute a nominal handling fee towards the cost of the donated product empowering and inspiring them to take a hand UP! OUT! of the cycle of poverty attending our educational and job training programs (see “Other Programs” tab)  and onto economic self-sufficiency.

These programs result in families breaking the cycle of poverty, reducing dependence on welfare and making a lasting difference in transforming the lives of people in need.

TO DONATE PRODUCT CALL: (844) 277-1249


To Donate Product

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